The Compliance 911 Show
Welcome to Compliance 911, a no-nonsense, cut to the point, style show for today’s busy bank and credit union compliance professionals. With this series of bi-weekly shows our goal is to boil down some of today’s hottest regulatory compliance topics in quick and easy to digest 5-10 minute episodes so you can get the information you want and get on with your day. We’ll be discussing topics like CRA, HMDA, Fair Lending, Anti Money Laundering, and so much more. Don’t forget to subscribe and tell a friend about us! Follow M&M Consulting and GeoDataVision us on LinkedIn to get the latest updates.
Monday May 22, 2023
Fair Lending Appraisal Bias
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
In Episode 50 Len and Dean explore the issue of Fair Lending as it relates to appraisal bias. This emerging issue can lead to illegal discrimination within the appraisal process, impacting generational wealth building for minority consumers. Len and Dean discuss appraiser independence, the 2008 financial crisis, and how lenders can protect themselves against appraisal bias and potential liability under ECOA and FHA. Suggestions include thorough vendor due diligence, incorporating appraisal bias risks into fair lending risk assessments, training personnel on fair lending and appraisal bias red flags, and establishing clear processes for reconsiderations and appraisal complaints. Tune in to this insightful conversation as Len and Dean delve into the complexities of appraisal bias and its significant impact on consumers and the lending industry.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Impending Changes to CRA & imminent publication of Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Rule
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
In Podcast 49, Dean Stockford and Len Suzio discuss the impending changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and the imminent publication of the Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Rule. The CRA Rule's publication date remains uncertain, while the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is under court order to publish the Section 1071 Rule by March 31. Len notes that the 1071 Rule, which will have profound implications for the financial services industry, has been 15 months in the making and is expected to be quite controversial. Unlike CRA, Section 1071 is a reporting mandate, much like the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) regulations, and will be used for both fair lending and CRA purposes. Data collection and reporting requirements under Section 1071 will be more onerous than those under CRA, and it will cover a larger number of institutions.
Len expects the final 1071 Rule to be almost identical to the proposed rule, which will be challenging for banks and other financial institutions. As for the CRA rule, its finalization could be delayed for several reasons, including the many comments and criticisms received and potential legal action by the banking community. Furthermore, the prudential regulators may be waiting to see what Section 1071 looks like, as it will have a significant impact on CRA regulations. Len believes the final CRA rule won't be published until sometime late in the spring, but nothing would surprise him. Both Dean and Len plan to collaborate on an education series to help financial institutions understand the implications and requirements of Section 1071 and the new CRA Rule after their publication.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Monday Apr 24, 2023
BSA Basics
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
In this podcast episode, Len Suzio and Dean Stockford discuss the basics of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and the importance of having a sound BSA program. They break down the extensive provisions of the BSA into two parts - the Basic Stuff (BS) and the Additional (A), which is pre and post 9/11. They also highlight the areas of high risk for non-compliance, including suspicious activity monitoring, SAR referral programs, and customer due diligence. This podcast is informative for those who want to understand the basics of BSA and its importance in maintaining safety and soundness in financial institutions.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
REMA’s: Their Use and Abuse by Regulators in the war against redlining
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
In this podcast, Len Suzio discusses his concerns about the threat posed to banks by the misuse of the concept of Reasonably Expected Market Areas (REMA) by regulators in their fight against redlining. The DOJ's "Combatting redlining initiative" launched in October 2021 is one such example. Len highlights that the concept of REMA has no origin in law or regulation, making it vague and open to interpretation, which can lead to potential abuse.
Regulators often determine a bank's REMA based on factors like marketing campaigns, market plans, media usage, and self-produced promotional materials. If a bank's REMA is found to be larger than its Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) assessment area, the bank's lending outside its CRA-defined community could be subject to scrutiny for redlining.
Len shared his concern when federal examiners revealed that they use entire MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Areas) or MDs (Metropolitan Divisions) as the basis for every bank's REMA, no matter the size of the bank. This approach makes almost every bank with an urban area nearby vulnerable to redlining accusations if they are not lending in the urban area.
The podcast concludes that this issue is alarming for banks, and they should be aware of the potential consequences of how their REMA is determined.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Friday Mar 17, 2023
2023 Regulatory Hot Topics
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
In Episode 46 of the podcast series, Len and Dean discuss the 2023 regulatory hot topics facing financial institutions. They touch on multiple re-presentment fees, Dodd-Frank 1071 and its implications for small business data collection, and the forthcoming Cyber Security reporting requirements under the Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022. Climate risk is also identified as a significant area of focus for financial institutions, even for those below the $100 billion asset threshold. Lastly, they highlight fair lending, fraud, and potential changes to Reg. E as additional areas of interest for 2023. Throughout the episode, the hosts emphasize the importance of being proactive and staying informed about evolving regulations and guidance.Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Pending CRA Proposed Rule
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
This podcast deals with the big problems in the proposed CRA Rule. In it we discuss the 3 possible grounds for legal challenge if the Rule should be adopted as proposed. We also talk about the 3 most significant impacts of the proposed rule.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
While Fair Lending remains a hot topic, do not forget about the technical provisions of ECOA and FHA.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
The coming Climate Risk Regulations
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Climate Risk Regulations are Coming. Learn what regulators are doing and how you can identify climate risk for 19 different natural hazards for your bank.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Overdraft programs and Junk fees, what you need to know
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Overdraft programs and Junk fees, what you need to know featuring Dean Stockford and Len Suzio.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Maxine Waters CRA Surprise: HR 8833
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Congresswoman Maxine Waters has submitted legislation that would amend the original Community Reinvestment Act in radical ways. Learn about her proposal for mandatory "Community Advisory Committees" and their role with bank management as well as other radical aspects of the proposed legislation in this broadcast.
Brought to you by GeoDataVision and M&M Consulting